The Exciting New Way to Exercise
intu MK Green Gym is a free and fun way to improve your health,…

Call for 'Safe Hut' Volunteers
The annual After 8 Safe Hut, which provides an evening shelter…

Free Talk on CMK "City Club" Proposal
An exciting 1970s plan for a leisure complex in CMK is to be…

Music and Fireworks at Rugby World Cup “Fanzone”
Crowds and parades will bring Campbell Park to life at the start…

CMK is Getting a Spring Clean, and You Can Join In!
Anyone who lives or works in CMK is invited to take part in the…

Local Residents Turn Around Neglected Area of CMK
Anyone who has recently walked around the North 9th and 10th…

Representatives Gather for First Meeting of the CMK Residents’ Forum
The first meeting of the new CMK Residents’ Forum took place…

Centrecom: CMK's Own Community Centre
Please note: CMK Town Council does not operate Centrecom.…

The Mid Winter Fire Festival is Fast Approaching!
On Saturday 20th December, local arts organisation, Festive…

Residents' Questionnaire
CMK Town Council is the parish council for the City Centre and Campbell Park. We are committed to listening to you, our residents, and working with you to help improve the quality of life in the area. To help us do this even more effectively we would like to know more about you and what you want so we can better plan for the future.

Sign up for Lantern Making Workshops in CMK!
Create your own lanterns to take part in the Midwinter Fire Festival…