
The Exciting New Way to Exercise
intu MK Green Gym is a free and fun way to improve your health,…

Trees Thinned on North Row
The lines of trees along North and South Rows, which form part…

CMK Could Become "Business Improvement District"
Business in CMK will be able to vote on a new project that could…

Classic CMK 'Octo' Sculpture Listed
One of CMK’s most recognisable artworks, the ‘Octo’…

"Bin" There, Done That!!
An area of CMK that suffers from litter problems is set to…

CMK is Getting a Spring Clean, and You Can Join In!
Anyone who lives or works in CMK is invited to take part in the…

How to Report Issues With MK Council's "Report It" System
Milton Keynes Council have introduced a new system called ‘Report It’, to allow residents to quickly and easily report environmental issues, such as graffiti and broken paving.