The Exciting New Way to Exercise

intu MK Green Gym is a free and fun way to improve your health,…

Local Residents Turn Around Neglected Area of CMK

Anyone who has recently walked around the North 9th and 10th…

Representatives Gather for First Meeting of the CMK Residents’ Forum

The first meeting of the new CMK Residents’ Forum took place…

Centrecom: CMK's Own Community Centre

Please note: CMK Town Council does not operate Centrecom.…

CMK Street Warden Helps Keep the City Centre Clean

The CMK Street Warden, Rob Harriman, has been hard at work…

Campbell Park Parking Consultation Results

Following issues raised by CMK Town Council, Milton Keynes Council…

Adelphi Street BBQ

Adelphi Street held an impromtu late Summer barbecue, thanks to the Adelphi Street Neighbourhood Watch team.

Our Local Hero - Barbara Reeves

This year the Pride of MK awards recognised the great work Barbara Reeves is doing for residents who need a helping hand.

Calling All Junior Film-Makers!

CMK Town Council is co-funding 10 young people from the parish to produce a film about Central Milton Keynes.

Play Park Opening & BBQ

Come along to the grand opening and fun fair and see what people power and creative thinking can achieve!