Skyride MK & Buszy Skate Jam

A city-wide cycling event and a "skate jam" at the Buszy are just two of the events that will form part of the Milton Keynes Heritage Open Weekend, taking place between Thursday 10 and Sunday 13 September. For more information on the Skyride cycling events, please go to More information on the open days […]


‘Paraffinalia’ Fire Festival in Campbell Park

Campbell Park Helipad Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

On Saturday 19 December, local arts organisation, Festive Road, will be producing Paraffinalia: a site-specific Midwinter Fire Festival in Campbell Park. The event is free and celebrates the darkest of days with fire spectacles, processional lanterns, pyrotechnic effects and live performances, all based on the traditions of The Lord of Mis-rule and the The Bean King! […]


Residents’ Forum Meeting

There will be a meeting of the CMK Residents' Forum on Thursday 17 March at 7pm. The forum provides an opportunity for representatives of each of the residential areas in CMK to come together and discuss issues that affect them all. The meetings are supported by CMK Town Council and the CMK Warden will attend. […]


Annual Meeting of the Parish

Town Council Offices 3rd Floor, Margaret Powell House, 413, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom

Meet members of your Town Council and share your thoughts on how we can improve the parish. There will be presentations on the proposed community centre and café in Campbell Park, the progress residents are making on their neighbourhood watch schemes, and updates on new developments in CMK. Light refreshments will be provided.


Collaborate: Family Workshops

MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

There is a good opportunity to get young children interested in art at MK Gallery’s two family workshops on Friday 28 October. The workshops are built around a theme of ‘Future Nature’ and participants will be able to produce artworks and models of how a future city could be designed to allow people and nature […]
