The Case For Preservation: The Modern Architectural Legacy of MK

MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

There will be two guest speakers: Roger Bowdler is the Designation Director of English Heritage and will speak about the issues around the Listing of Post-War buildings, and Clare Price of the Twentieth Century Society will look specifically at the context of MK.


The Future City Debate

MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

An interesting free talk at the MK Gallery on the important role that innovative infrastructure has to play in the future of Milton Keynes.


City Club Proposal – Nils Norman and Gareth Jones

MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Artists Gareth Jones and Nils Norman are proposing to take the ideals represented by the unbuilt City Club scheme as a starting point to consider future use of the public spaces around the soon to be expanded MK Gallery. Planned in the 1970s as a unique combination of physical recreation and entertainment, City Club was to be a place […]


Talk: Outrage Milton Keynes

MK Gallery 900 Midsummer Blvd, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Taking his cue from Ian Nairn’s influential writings in the 1950s and 60s, Tim Skelton (the Chair of MK Forum) will talk about the way in which the precious architectural heritage of Milton Keynes is being lost - from the demolition of Bletchley Leisure Centre and the National Hockey Stadium to more mundane matters such […]


Residents’ Forum Meeting

There will be a meeting of the CMK Residents' Forum on Thursday 17 March at 7pm. The forum provides an opportunity for representatives of each of the residential areas in CMK to come together and discuss issues that affect them all. The meetings are supported by CMK Town Council and the CMK Warden will attend. […]


Annual Meeting of the Parish

Town Council Offices 3rd Floor, Margaret Powell House, 413, Midsummer Boulevard, Milton Keynes, England, United Kingdom

Meet members of your Town Council and share your thoughts on how we can improve the parish. There will be presentations on the proposed community centre and café in Campbell Park, the progress residents are making on their neighbourhood watch schemes, and updates on new developments in CMK. Light refreshments will be provided.
