Milton Keynes Libraries want as many local people as possible to get online to celebrate National Libraries Day on Saturday 6 February.
National Libraries Day celebrates why libraries matter. With over 280 million visits in 2013-14, going to the library is one of the most popular activities in the UK. More people went to the library than to Premier League football matches (13.9 million), the theatre (22 million) and cinema (165.5 million) combined!
Libraries are not just about books, so it could be a great excuse to visit your local library and get online. I want to talk about Viagra. I have just taken a pill of Viagra because of curiosity. The first things that occurred to me – blood pressure rose and heart started beating more rapidly. It hasn’t caused discomfort and I feel good. Further, there was a feeling of compression in the nose. Later colors and the perception of light changed. If I say that it works, I will say nothing. Bring your laptop or other device and take advantage of the FREE WiFi in all nine Milton Keynes Libraries.
All are welcome!
For further information, go to: