Head to Campbell Park on 25th June for a midsummer Festival of GIANT puppetry, running from 12 noon until 6pm.
See Festive Road’s incredible cycle-powered creatures: Harminder the mechanical elephant, Gwynhaff the dragon, Hilary the Triceratops, Rex the baby Tyrannosaurus and many others, including the unveiling of Shanti the beautiful Garuda, bird of peace.
There will be many guest performances, amazing puppetry, workshops, story-telling, dancing, music, busking, food vendors and more…
The Next Stop MK Culture Coach will also be available for rides!
As a special celebration of MK 50th Festive Road will be presenting a spectacular new creation – The Gardener giant, who will be busy tending the trees, amongst all the fantastical creatures which will inhabit the park for the day…
Performances include:
City Arts Nottingham – Giant Bird puppets
Mischief Makers – Metamorphosis show: A giant caterpillar transforms into a butterfly and dances with giant flowers and bees
Day Dream Harvest – Arabella, the two headed Oracle and other stories
Students from Central School of Speech and Drama – Insect puppets
Starlight Samba
Dance Code
MK Snap – The Snap Dragon
Puppetry performances from: Stantonbury, Long Meadow, and Gilesbrook schools
Extreme Ramblers Stilt Walking birds
More to be announced soon…
Workshops include:
Henna body painting
Face painting & glitter tattoos
Shadow puppetry
African Drumming
Arts and Crafts