Central Milton Keynes Town Council

Meeting held on 8th October 2020

by Zoom videoconference

Rebecca Kurth (Chair)

Andre Brady

Ramo Erdogan

Gill Kirkup 

Paul Cranfield (Clerk)

Thomas Walker (Consultations Officer and meeting host)


Amir Chahardehi

Oya Discombe

Linda Inoki

Andrew Thomas

In attendance: None

20/095 – Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors Chahardehi, Discombe, Inoki and Thomas.

20/096 – Declarations of Interest


20/097 – Ratification of Minutes of the Town Council meeting

The minutes of the meeting of the Town Council on 3rd September 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting, subject to the following amendment:-

Item 20/086, final paragraph- ‘with Thomas Gray’ to be added to the end of the paragraph.

To be signed as such by the Chair at a future face to face meeting.

20/098 – Clerk’s Report on Outstanding Items

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Updates to the action sheet were agreed, as follows:

Item 20/004- Mark on to December

Item 20/013- Close

Item 20/014- Mark on to December.

ACTION: PC to arrange meeting of Residents Services Working Party

Item 20/015- Close

Item 20/016- Close

Item 20/019- Close

Item 20/020- Close

Item 20/021- Close

Item 20/022- Close

20/099 – Representations from the Public

No members of the public were present.

20/100 – Finance Paper

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was noted that the payment to Simpson and Ashland parish council had been cancelled.

20/101 – Forward Plan Monitoring Sheet

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/102 – Noticeboard in South Campbell Park

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was agreed that the locations identified would not serve the purpose initially discussed. Further it was noted that the Town Council is only required to have one noticeboard and that the new board at the Central Library adequately served this purpose, and agreed that the board by Enterprise Lane, which is not fit for purpose, be removed.

ACTION: PC to arrange for the removal of the board outside Enterprise Lane

20/103 – Draft Biodiversity SPD Consultation

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was agreed that Councillor Kirkup works with Thomas Walker to develop a response to the consultation. This to be brought back to the November meeting and submitted by 23 November 2020.

Action: TW/GK to produce draft submission for November meeting

20/104 – Planning White Paper consultation response

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Thomas Walker was thanked for his comprehensive assessment of the White Paper. It was agreed that a Task and Finish Group be formed to finalise the response to the consultation. Councillors Kurth and Kirkup agreed to work with Thomas Walker to develop a submission to be lodged by 29 September. Councillor Thomas to be requested to provide input. The document to be brought forward to the November meeting for noting.

ACTION: RK/GK/AT/TW to produce submission document

20/105 – Website Accessibility Statement

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/106 – Newsletter Distribution

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was agreed that the option of newsletter delivery via Royal Mail be pursued.

Action: PC

20/107 – Rat Prevention Leaflet

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was agreed that the leaflet should be formatted and printed by Eagle Graphics as is currently the case https://www.sihspune.org/proscar.php with the newsletter. It was also agreed that inclusion of the leaflet with the next newsletter delivery be pursued.

The sum of £600 was agreed to fund the formatting and printing of the leaflet and that, if necessary, a further £500 was agreed for an additional delivery, if this could not be incorporated within the newsletter delivery charge.

Action: PC

 20/108 – ‘Together we Can’ document

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was agreed that the Town Council’s previous comments regarding the increase in consultation periods from 6 weeks to 8 weeks be restated.

Action: PC

20/109 – Budget Request for ‘Work For Hire’ Project Manager

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was noted that the Community Facilities Working Party is holding weekly meetings to develop thinking on prospective projects. Whilst any of the projects will require bringing back to the Town Council for further consideration in due course, there is a need for a project manager to be available on a ‘work for hire’ basis to work up ideas to the point where they can be presented to councillors.

It was agreed that the sum of £3000 be allocated to engage one or more project managers to develop projects as required.

20/110- Meeting Dates 2021

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was noted that there is not a current date for the Annual Meeting of the Parish, given the current covid situation and uncertainty of what guidance will pertain in respect of public meetings in 2021.

20/111- Items for Information

  • Licensing Application- Jennings Bet

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

  • Submission in respect of Draft Planning Obligations SPD consultation

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

  • Parishes Forum Minutes- 17 September 2020

The papers, as previously circulated, were noted.

  1. Parishes Advisory Group- information
  2. Parishes Advisory Group- Terms of Reference

The Chair offered to provide more details on the Parishes Advisory Group to any councillors interested in submitting their name for one of the vacant positions.

  • Woughton Covid Response
  • Plant Weeding

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was noted that RK and PC, as residents, would undertake an initial assessment of the exercise. It was emphasised that this is not a Town Council initiative and that anyone opting to join the work in due course would be doing so as a concerned resident.

20/112 – Items for Next Agenda:


The meeting closed at 7.00pm.

The next scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday 5 November 2020 by videoconference

Appendix to Minutes of Meeting of CMK Town Council on 8 October 2020

Financial Items

A list of expenses incurred, authorised at the Town Council meeting, is provided below:


Thomas Walker                       £1,250.00       

Centrecom                              £      67.00       

MK Melting Pot                       £    500.00      

Simon Wright                          £1,666.66       

CVS                                          £      23.19       


Direct Payments:-

Vonage                                    £     10.25                                

Google                                     £     53.82

                                                £       1.59                                                                    

Tsohost                                    £       5.99

NEST                                        £     70.00                    

Royal Mail                               £     14.76        

Amazon                                   £     41.98        

Monthly Standing Orders:-  

Salaries                                   £1,886.00

MK Community Properties     £   518.84