Central Milton Keynes Town Council Planning Committee![]()
Meeting held on 14th October 2020
by Zoom videoconference
Andrew Thomas (Chair)
Linda Inoki
Rebecca Kurth
Paul Cranfield (Clerk)
Thomas Walker (Planning Consultations Officer)
Amir Chahardehi
Oya Discombe
Absent :
Andre Brady
In attendance: None
P20/032 – Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Chahardehi and Discombe
P20/033 – Declarations of Interest
P20/034 – Ratification of Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting
The minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee meeting on 12th May 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting.
To be signed as such by the Chair at a future face to face meeting.
P20/035 – Ratification of Chair’s Actions re: minor applications
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.
20/01377/FUL Change of use 518 Silbury Bvd
20/01400/PANOTH Prior approval telecoms mast at H6
Object to location
20/01523/ADV Signage at Taco Bell, The Place
20/01625/PANOTH Removal of antennae and replacement- Civic Offices
20/01652/TPO Removal of trees Ashton House
Object on grounds of insufficient information
20/01771/FULMMA Variation of condition re Burger King approval
20/01754/FUL Installation of casement windows Station House
20/01777/FUL Change of use G1 Garrick Walk
Support in principle
20/01779/ADV Advert consent 16B Garrick Walk
Support in principle
20/01879/ADV Advertising at Morrisons- replacements for existing
20/02047/FULTN 5G mast in car park west of Civic Offices
20/02125/ADV Car park signage- YMCA
20/02124/FUL Retention of ANPR system in YMCA car park
20/02133/ADV Illuminated sign at The Place
20/02131/PANB1C Change of use part ground floor 897 Silbury Bvd
20/02129/PANB1C Change of use part ground & all 1st floor 897 Silbury Bvd
20/02297/NMA Variations to approved plans YMCA site
Councillor Kurth thanked the Chair and officers for the work undertaken behind the scenes during the last few months in considering minor applications and engaging with Case Officers to achieve positive outcomes.
P20/036 – Minor Planning Applications
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.
20/02233/FUL Dual arm service road banner, Centre:MK
20/02205/FUL Change of use to A2 and/or betting shop-653 Midsummer Bvd
20/02234/ADV Advert consent 653 Midsummer Bvd
20/02312/FUL Alterations to Vizion façade
Support, but request samples be approved
20/02339/ADV Advert consent Headway Ltd 518 Silbury Bvd
Support fascia sign. Object to graphics on basis of G7a)
P20/037 – 20/02467/NMA Variations to planning consent- Wyevale site
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.
After some discussion it was agreed that the Town Council would support the application in principle, whilst expressing its considerable disappointment regarding the loss of (albeit partial) weather protection on Secklow Gate and of the C3 retail unit in favour of reducing the height and locating flats at ground floor level. Reference to recognising the overall quality of the scheme and effect that the challenging economic environment is having on the viability of retail, would also be included in the response.
ACTION: PC to circulate draft wording to AT/LI
P20/038 – Meeting dates 2021
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.
P20/039 – Items for Next Agenda:
The meeting closed at 7.05pm.
The next scheduled meeting to be held on Wednesday 19 November 2020 at 6pm by videoconference