Planning officer hours, updating CMK Plan, CMK action plan, Community enabler, Litter picking, planning obligations SPD
Cost projections for updating CMKAlliance Plan, Budget and Precept Proposals, Funds transfers
Task & Finish Working Party proposals, newsletter outsourcing proposal, community mobiliser
Appointment of non-councillors to working parties, residents’ survey. planter scheme. saferMK protocol, grant application
Risk assessments, HR service provision, appointment of non-councillors to working parties, Fred Roche Gardens
Grant application MK Pride, Annual meeting of the parish, devolution of assets and services
Election of chair and vice chair, declaration of acceptance of new councillor, review and ratification of policies and procedures, community facility terms of reference, availability of town council papers to non- councillors, review of membership of bodies and committees
Budget/actual year end. Annual accounts. Grant applications.Information policy. SLA for weed machine.Outcome of CIF application
Draft Mobility Strategy consultation.Car cruising PSPO. Planning Obligations SPD submission. Affordable Housing SPD submission. Grant application.LCTRS parish funding consultation. Annual Insurance policy. Community Mobiliser. Residents’ Survey Report
Community facilities update, co-option, draft response Mobility Strategy, draft response Station Square consultation, grant applications
Pest control, wreath for Armistice Day, CMK Life freelance, safeguarding policy, volunteering policy
Gill Kirkup welcomed as new councillor, housing strategy consultation, meeting dates 2020, Undercroft public toilets Secklow Gate, transport and parking working party update, Guildhall acoustics, CIF consultation, Bucks Fire & Rescue Service Public Safety Plan
Half-yearly budgets/actuals report, grant application Middle Eastern Language School, CIF consultation response, Residents’ services working party update
Disciplinary and grievance procedures, Campbell Park needle finds, Dog Waste bins, Streamlining the website, Aubrey Place Development