Noise Reduction consultation; Saxon Court development brief; Mobility Strategy; emergency response planning; CMK Alliance Plan update; Plan:MK; Community Facility project
Smithson’s Place; Noise Reduction Strategy; Saxon Court Development Brief; Mobility Strategy; Heritage Register; landscaping services; coach parking; Community Facility update
Parks Trust loan; Planning Committee terms of reference; Site Allocations Plan; Heritage Register; Events Plateau Committee; speed indicating devices; space below elevated road
Events Plateau project; PSPO working party; landscaping; City Sqaure trading deregulation
Residents’ survey; emergency response planning; GDPR; strategic plan; grant application
Events Plateau project; PSPO working party; landscaping; City Square trading deregulation
Quarterly budget; contact details; annual meeting 2019; gambling principles consultation; dog waste bins; Fred Roche Gardens; street warden role; emergency response planning
Dog bins; grant application; bank signatories; Councillor Baker departure; Campbell Park Northside development brief
Housing strategy consultation, working parties, Landscape maintenance, community infrastructure fund, community enabler, co-option
Events plateau, land at Smithson’s Place, service delivery of landscape maintenance, community infrastructure fund-landscape enhancement, community enabler, Hotel La Tour
Smithsons Place, Gyosei art trail,Strategic Plan, Campbell Park Northside, budget review
Councillor vacancy, CIF Fund, Deputy Clerk & street warden update, grant application, Community Enabler, MK:U Design Brief Consultation