Central Milton Keynes Town Council

Meeting held on 14th May 2020

by Zoom videoconference


Rebecca Kurth (Chair) 

Andre Brady

Amir Chahardehi

Oya Discombe

Linda Inoki

Gill Kirkup 

Andrew Thomas

Paul Cranfield (Clerk)

Thomas Walker (Consultations Officer and meeting host)

Apologies:  Ramo Erdogan

In attendance: None

20/044 – Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillor Erdogan.

20/045 – Declarations of Interest


20/046 – Ratification of Minutes of the Town Council meeting

The minutes of the meeting of the Town Council on 5th March 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting. To be signed as such by the Chair at a future face to face meeting.

20/047- Addendum to Standing Orders

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

The addendum was approved, subject to the removal of the final bullet point, entitled ‘Members’.

20/048 – Clerk’s Report on Outstanding Items

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Updates to the action sheet were agreed, as follows:

Item 19/035- Close

Item 19/046- Mark on to September

Item 19/063- Mark on to September

Item 20/001- Close

Item 20/003- Mark on to September

Item 20/004- Mark on to September

Item 20/005- Mark on to June

Item 20/006- Close

Item 20/007- Close

20/049 – Representations from the Public

No members of the public were present.

20/050 – Finance Paper

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/051 – Forward Plan Monitoring Sheet

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/052 – Year End Accounts

The paper, as previously circulated and amended, was noted.

It was noted that the underspend in the last financial year was lower than in previous years.

20/053 – Mobility Strategy: Road Safety, Walking & Smarter Travel position paper and Redway Design Manual consultation

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Thomas Walker was commended on his work in respect of these consultations.

The Chair requested that, as the Town Council has objected to some elements of the paper and consultation, the Clerk checks weekly to ensure that any consideration of the documents under Delegated Decisions by MK Council are notified to councillors at the earliest possible time. This will provide time to consider a ‘call-in’.

Action: PC

20/054 – Santander Digital Hub Community Space Management Committee

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

The Chair thanked Councillor Thomas for his ‘eleventh hour’ efforts to ensure the inclusion of a condition to the planning permission requiring the creation of a community space management committee, which will provide benefits for the community going forward on this site.

20/055 – MK Futures Strategy 2050 consultation

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

The Chair and Councillor Thomas declared non-pecuniary interests with regard to this item.

The Chair introduced this item, noting the need for a lengthy response to provide clarity to MK Council Officers of the changes needed to the document.

After much discussion, the following amendments were unanimously approved.

  •  Summary- Item 9- First sentence to be deleted.
  • A further item should be added to the summary developing the need to enhance health and wellbeing within the document, recognising the need to protect the green frame as residential density within CMK increases.
  • The Strategy speaks to the need to involve parish and town councils within the engagement process. This needs to be further emphasised by the aspiration of the development of strong collective local leadership.
  • Within the response it should be stated that the authority should seek the powers of a transport authority.

With the above amendments, the consultation response was approved, and the Chair and Consultations Officer given the flexibility to make formatting and other minor changes without the need to refer back to the Town Council prior to submission.

20/056 – Commissioning an Arts and Culture Strategy

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Councillor Inoki spoke to this item. She noted that the strategy was important to provide the Town Council with the potential to have greater control over s106 monies as they become available.

The scoping document was acknowledged as clear and logical. It shows why such a strategy is needed and how it could dovetail with emerging and existing strategies.

The assistance of councillors Kurth and Kirkup was acknowledged in liaising with Simon Wright in developing the document.

The recommendation to approve the sum of £6,000 to enable the strategy to be developed was approved unanimously.

Action: LI/SW

20/057 – Community Projects Organiser

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Following considerable debate on this item, the following was unanimously agreed:

The proposal as presented was withdrawn. The Residents’ Services Working Party was requested to further consider the strategy, bringing back a paper to the September meeting which would provide a selection of options for councillors to consider.

Action: RK/GK/AB/RE

20/058 – Items for Information

a) Licensing Request- India Day

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

b) Licensing Request- MK Pewex

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

c) Licensing Request- Tech Haus

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

d) Licensing Review-The Don

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

e) Planning Committee Minutes February 2020

 The paper, as previously circulated, was noted

f) Draft Planning Committee Minutes March 2020

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

g) Parishes Forum Minutes 12 March 2020

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

h) Report on Focus Group Meeting 22 January 2020

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/059 – Items for Next Agenda:


The meeting closed at 7.42pm.

The next scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday 4 June 2020 by videoconference