Central Milton Keynes Town Council
Meeting held on 3rd December 2020
by Zoom videoconference

Rebecca Kurth (Chair)
Amir Chahardehi
Linda Inoki (from item 20/121)
Gill Kirkup
Andrew Thomas
Paul Cranfield (Clerk)

Andre Brady
Oya Discombe

Ramo Erdogan

In attendance: None

20/113 – Apologies

Apologies were received from Councillors Brady and Discombe

20/114 – Declarations of Interest

None. At this juncture the Clerk reminded councillors that Item 20/123 had been withdrawn from consideration at the meeting.

Additionally, councillors were reminded that the pink paper accompanying Item 20/122 is confidential.

20/115 – Ratification of Minutes of the Town Council meeting

The minutes of the meeting of the Town Council on 8th October 2020 were agreed as a true record of the meeting. The Chair noted that the new format enabled the minutes to conform to the Website Accessibility legislation when lodged on the website.

To be signed as such by the Chair at a future face to face meeting.

20/116 – Clerk’s Report on Outstanding Items

The paper, as previously https://www.glenerinpharmacy.com/buy-clomid-online/ circulated, was noted.

Updates to the action sheet were agreed, as follows:

Item 19/020- Mark on to February
Item 20/004- Mark on to February
Item 20/008- Councillor Thomas advised that, due to new Government legislation, the consultations on these items may be delayed. Mark on to March
Item 20/009- Mark on to January
Item 20/014- Mark on to February

20/117 – Representations from the Public

No members of the public were present.

20/118 – Finance Paper

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/119 – Forward Plan Monitoring Sheet

The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

It was noted that at Cabinet on 15 December consideration would be given to the adoption of the Strategy for 2050. It was agreed that Thomas Walker be asked as a matter of urgency to examine the paper for consideration and determine whether the substantive amendments requested in the Town Council’s submission had been accepted.

ACTION: TW to highlight comparison of the final document to the Town Council’s submission. Comparison to be circulated by Tuesday 8 December.

Councillors agreed that an amendment could be submitted to the Delegated Decisions meeting on 15 December, or contributions made to the meeting should this prove necessary, without further reference.

20/120 – Half Yearly Accounts

The papers, as previously circulated, were noted.

An adjustment to the projected year end variance to budget was agreed.

Councillor Inoki arrived at this juncture.

20/121- 2021/22 Action Plan

The papers, as previously circulated, were noted. An amended version of the papers were made available by screen share during the meeting.

The Chair introduced this item, noting that the work on the action plan would inform the January budget meeting.

She noted that recently the Leads of Working Parties and the Chair of Planning had been asked to comment upon the current year’s action plan and re-assess the priorities for 2021 onward. Part of this process included proposing budget to support activities during the forthcoming financial year.

A detailed analysis of the proposed action plan was undertaken and further amendments made to the document.

The budget implications of the ratified action plan were agreed in principle, pending further consideration at the January budget meeting.

20/122 – Project Management Support

The papers, as previously circulated, were noted.

It was unanimously agreed that the Town Council engages Andrew Morphet as a Project Manager for a period of 12 months from January 2021 at a cost of £8000. Payment will be against invoice, with the full amount of the contract being accrued from the current year’s budget.

20/123 – This item was withdrawn

20/124- Items for Information

a) Planning White Paper Final Submission
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

Thomas Walker was thanked for his work on the submission.

b) Gambling Licence- Variation
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

c) The Point Kiosk- Licensing variation
The papers, as previously circulated, were noted.

Councillor Chahardehi and Kirkup left the meeting at this juncture

d) Background paper on development of a possible mobile facility
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

e) Community Art and Cultural Facilities workshop outputs
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

f) MKALC Meeting Minutes 30 September 2020
The papers, as previously circulated, were noted.

g) Performance Appraisal Update
The paper, as previously circulated, was noted.

20/125 – Items for Next Agenda:


The meeting closed at 7.55pm.

The next scheduled meeting to be held on Thursday 7 January 2021 by videoconference

Appendix to Minutes of Meeting of CMK Town Council on 7 December 2020

Royal Mail £ 119.40
PKF Littlejohn £ 480.00
Thomas Walker £2,000.00
Jon Muncaster £1,000.00
Andrew Thomas £ 33.49
Thomas Gray £1,250.00
Rialtas £ 148.80

Debit card Direct Payments:-
Vonage £ 10.25
Google £ 59.46
£ 1.59
Tsohost £ 5.99
£ 5.99
NEST £ 160.58
£ 72.94
Royal Mail £ 8.05
Amazon £ 41.98
Zoom £ 143.88

Monthly Standing orders:-
Salaries £1,925.00
MK Community Properties £ 518.84