Fred Roche Foundation grant application; notice boards; Campbell Park community facility
Annual Parish Meeting; General Power of Competence; Local Council Award Scheme; MKC Budget Consultation
Option to Tax (Community Facility); Grant Application; Community Facility Draft Agreement
MKALC; Strategic Plan; living wage; Plan:MK; co-option
Strategic Plan; budget
Accounts; Community Pavillion; grant applications; Plan:MK
Wayfinding; co-option; litter; Planning Committee meetings; developments at Marlborough Gate
Councillor vacancy; Forest and Folk grant application; bus stops; New Town Heritage Register; co-option; rough sleepers and professional beggars
New Councillor; Plan:MK; MKCCM membership; Rough Sleeper Reduction Strategy; Planning Obligations SPD; Fred Roche Foundation membership; events plateau project
Planning Obligations SPD; PSPO Working Party; Christmas lunch; 2018 meetings; Armistice Day wreath
Projects update; Planning Obligations SPD; PSPO Working Party
Budget Meeting dates; Licensing Policy; Open Spaces Assessment; Plan:MK response; land at Smithsons Place; Strategic Plan; GDPR data protection legislation